Mapping Local Stakeholders
An internal resource for ADC partnership development

This project has developed a database of potential partnerships, collaborations or promotional outlets through the mapping of local stakeholders within the Darlinghurst region. This database will include arts organisations, and other members of the GLAM+ Alliance, community groups and commercial businesses. Through this process, three recommendations have been developed that will act as a prototype to activate potential partnerships moving forward.
This research has been implemented in three parts:
- A database and contact list
- An interactive webpage mapping the locations of neighbouring arts organisations, community groups and commercial business
- A Resource Toolkit including three Partnership Recommendations for a Commercial Relationship, Arts Organisation Partnership, and Community Outreach Project
The internal database is accessible via this interactive web page, available for internal use only, and a spreadsheet stored on the ADC server. Both of these resources can be accessed at any time and can be built upon as required.
File path for access: Operations & Management>9. Communications (ADC General)>ADC Marketing>Local Stakeholders 2017
Mapping Arts Organisations
Mapping Local Community Groups