As part of Jason Wing's Spontaneous and Uncommissioned now on in William Street Window Gallery, ADC's Communications Producer Laura Wesolowski asked Jason three quick-fire questions to find out what inspires him as a designer maker.

What do you make?

"Everything I can get my hands on! The idea comes first then the materiality evolves to communicate the full artistic vision. If I don't know a material well I partner with experts in their industry.”

Jason Wing, self portrait (detail), 2009 Photo: Courtesy of ADC

Why do you make what you make?

"Through my objects I often discuss issues not commonly discussed or issues that should be discussed, then actioned. I make to hold a mirror up to society and reflect, inspire and action change."

Jason Wing, Spontaneous and Uncommissioned, Object Space exhibition view, 2024 Photo: Amy Piddington

What inspires you?

"Everything inspires me, there are no limits. Others (artists, makers, designers and arts workers), "sedition", intangible forces, serpents, resilience, nature, spray cans, elements, my wife Maddison Wing, my cultures, equality, kindness, love."

Gadigal Mural with Jason Wing, Lucy Simpson and Dennis Golding

Gadigal Mural with Jason Wing, Lucy Simpson and Dennis Golding. Photo: Mark Metcalf for City of Sydney.

Thanks Jason!

To learn more about Jason Wing and his work, follow him below -

Instagram Website