June Kim
[bridging creativity, technology and human culture]

June Kim was invited by guest curator Elaine Kim to work with each Casey Chen, Sebastian Conti and Midori Goto to digitally activate their works in Ceramic Stories [digital connections].
June is a multifaceted practitioner – a professional teacher, creative technologist and researcher, always building experience in the creative field. She has crafted both commercial and personal works using a wide array of technologies and cutting-edge software.
June primarily researches the impact of immersion and simulation within human culture, spanning the history of media technology and exploring contemporary applications of emerging forms of interaction.
In Ceramic Stories [digital connections], collaborating with the artists was the cornerstone to effectively amplifying the works and enhance the audiences’ experience. Her contributions to the convergence of creativity, technology and culture make her a compelling figure in the ever-evolving landscape of the arts and academia.
June was supported by technologists Fiona Jung and Jess Montecinos.
[digital connection] At the core of my professional pursuits lies a fervent passion for research. My aspiration is to be an agent of positive change, fostering innovation, nurturing talent and forging connections that propel our collective understanding of the dynamic intersection of technology and human expression.
Image top: June Kim with her digital activation at the ADC exhibition launch of Ceramic Stories [digital connections], 2023

June Kim Headshot Photo: Courtesy of UNSW