Taerim Claire Jeon

Taerim Claire Jeon is a Sydney based textile artist. She has adapted her Korean heritage of Jogakbo practice with the pandemic life. The journal represents her interpretation towards the pandemic and reflection on her experimental forms of hand sewn works.  

“We are a community of destiny. Deep breath. Peace.” 

We asked Taerim three questions about her experience of isolation, completing this journal and her hope for the future. These are her responses: 

Describe the experience of the period of isolation for you. 

Various textures and colours of recycled fabric. Thought about the coordination of shapes and tried different ways. Also, by overlapping the recycled silk organza through the light, thought about how fabric colours add up together.    

What does your book represent and how did you approach the challenge?

The coordination of recycled pieces not only shows its beauty but also provides an opportunity to think about the environment at the time. 

What do you hope will change in Australia as a result of the pandemic?

Environmentally friendly space, habits to prevent global warming effects.

Taerim Claire Jeon is a Sydney based Jogakbo artist who strongly identifies with her Korean heritage. She re-interprets traditional methods and explores new forms of Jogakbo with her dyed and handsewn works. A former children’s book and magazine illustrator, Claire discovered a passion for Jogakbo making over fifteen years ago and now enjoys teaching classes with the Korean Cultural Centre and from her own studio. Her works are an excellent example of traditional Korean Jogbakbo combining a refined aesthetic, skill and use of the various techniques with a contemporary flair.


View Taerim Claire Jeon's journal here:

Image: Taerim Claire Jeon, Design/Isolate Journal (detail), 2020. 

Image: Taerim Claire Jeon, Design/ Isolate Journal (detail), 2020