Tracey Deep

Tracey Deep is a Sydney based floral sculptor. She thinks isolation is a time to slow down, reflect and engage with mother nature. The journal represents her immersive and deep desire to seek healing and nourishment in nature when the pandemic becomes too stressful. Tracey wrote down quotes about nature on post-it stickers and paired them with the plant pieces she was working on.   

“Mother nature is my muse.” 

We asked Tracy three questions about her experience of isolation, completing this journal and her hope for the future. These are her responses: 

Describe the experience of the period of isolation for you. 

I found the experience of the period of isolation a time to slow down, reflect & immerse myself even more deeply in mother nature. I actually spent more quiet time in my studio creating works as a way of coping with the world around us during these unprecedented times.   

What does your book represent and how did you approach the challenge?

My book represents my strong desire to immerse myself more deeply in mother nature as a way of healing, regenerating, re-energizing & total nourishment for my spirit & soul to deal with such immense pressure the pandemic was creating around me. I found the more I surrounded myself with nature, the more relaxed, positive & happier I became. I wanted to share with everyone how taking the time to look closely at the little things that you discover in nature can inspire so much, giving voice to the magical, playful, poetic & whimsical that only nature can provide, through her magical patterns, shapes & textures, a language of “mother nature” evolves.     

What do you hope will change in Australia as a result of the pandemic?

I hope what will change in Australia as a result of the pandemic, that we rely more on & support our local producers & makers, a more sustainable future. Also taking more action with our environment, this is the most important time for us to take that very important step up to bring the environment to the forefront as a priority, as we have all experienced being in isolation, without nature to retreat to we would have been in a most distressing concrete jungle, if nature was not around us to feed & nurture our souls. Also hoping we work together more strongly as a community & support one another, that governments open their eyes & ears & listen to our voices to change the push of big business, focusing more on small business that nourishes our communities, without the huge cost to our environment & ecosystems. 

Tracey Deep has been working as a floral sculptor for the last 25 years. Evolving over the last 15 years her art practice spawned from floral art & has developed into the realm of environmental art, sculpture & installations.
Her passion is working with used, industrial, organic, discarded, preloved & discontinued materials, to create sustainable art. She revels in the natural world.
Her works reflect a poetic play of light & shade, earth textures & sensual forms, inspired by the essence of nature. 


View Tracey Deep's journal here:

Image: Tracey Deep, Design/Isolate Journal (detail), 2020.