GOOD NATURED: design art architecture celebrates creative projects by designers, artists and architects working to design a better future. These practitioners are focussed on creating outcomes that are both beautiful and good for the planet.

About Glider

Glider is a research and conceptual studio based in Sydney/Gadigal, founded by Lekki Maze, working for over a decade in the area of human futures, strategic innovation and new form experience design for transformation and positive social impact.

Glider creates platforms that uplift people and places by elevating the stories, issues and conversations that matter. Glider focuses their work on the big issues shaping our society and the future, and creates compelling physical and digital experiences that move people to feel, think, be and do in new and fuller ways.

As a transdisciplinary studio, working across multiple modes for maximum impact, their work defies easy definition. Their partnerships with research institutes, NGOs, foundations, organisations, industries, governments, cities, festivals and the wider public, seek out innovative, and often unexpected, new ways to spark meaningful conversations about what it is to be alive, and all the fullness of what it means to Be Human. Their work spans placemaking, civil empathy, social inclusion, climate change, sustainability, philanthropy, ethics, human rights, geopolitics and international relations, in order to help shape the future of societies and our shared life for the better.

All of Glider’s projects start and end with people. At the heart of Glider’s work is a deep understanding and appreciation of our shared human experience and an endless curiosity about people, places, life and complexity. Their projects create moments that open people up through inspiration, provocation or invitation, to get them connecting and talking in new ways. Glider’s projects allow us to explore and better understand ourselves, each other and the world we inhabit, so that we might live well together, in the places we share and the future we shape.

We have selected Glider to share their exploratory human research techniques and innovative communication responses to cut through generic climate crisis narratives.

Connect with Glider: @lifewithglider

Glider's Projects

Look Up

A public invitation extended throughout Australia, through a bold repurposing of billboards used for poetry and provocation, inspiring everyday awe and awakeness to notice and care for the world around us.

Hard Things To Talk About
Glider’s immersive Conversation Dinners Series tabling all the tricky and sticky issues of being human, enticing people to dive in to explore how we can live better together now, and what future we want to create.


A world first Climate Photography Research Residency, ensuing exhibition The Story of Our Planet Unfolds, and over a decade of work translating the climate issue into compelling and engaging forms to broaden engagement, shift perspectives and spur action.

Conversation Experiences
Public conversation projects The Big Deep, The Conversation Field. The Vox Box inserted into the public realm, to surface the big issues and invite people to think and talk together about the things that matter most.

Gliders' Good Natured Action

Glider has suggested two simple actions that all of us can do to make an impact. Look Up and notice the world around you and create space for everyday awe at the interconnectedness of all living things. And, start a conversation that matters with the people around you, about the future you want to create.

About Gliders:
Every glider is unique – just like we are as people. They are all distinct and they have their own optimum wingspan, balance and ability to ride the highs and lows around them – the undulations of existence – to ultimately soar and sustain. This is a metaphor for how we see people, organisations and life and we’re really interested in the unique ways we can all soar and sustain. And when you see things from a gliding perspective, from above, you see that everything is intrinsically interconnected. We exist in this incredibly beautiful, complex weave. We are not alone. We are not separate. What we do and how we live matters – to each other, to our society, to our planet, to our future.