Daniela Walder
Pregnancy Series

"Going through pregnancy myself has opened a new way of looking at life, my own body, my wellbeing. The challenges and changes a woman experiences in those 9 months are enormous. The pregnant body is a performance body. It is fascinating what the female body is capable of doing. To feel and see how a human being grows in my own body and the external changes were the inspiration for the jewellery pieces. I had the chance to share a 3 months Graduate Residency at Squarepeg Studios with emerging jeweller designer Alejandra Florez who was keen on working on the project ‘Pregnancy’ with me. Together we wanted to shine a light on pregnancy and some topics that are often avoided, tabooed or pressured in society such as physical changes and mental challenges.
Daniela Walder trained in different skills and jewellery techniques at Squarepeg Studios, Marrickville. She decided to broaden her knowledge in contemporary jewellery design with the course Fundamentals of Design at Enmore Design Centre.
Belly movement (ring and bracelet), 2021
Sterling silver, $220
Implantation (ring and bracelet), 2021
Sterling silver, SOLD
Spider Veins (pendant), 2021
Sterling silver, 24ct gold foil, $120
Image top: Daniela Walder, Belly Movement, 2021. Photo: Courtesy of the artist