Elisa Zorraquin
From Jan Juc to Winkipop

"As a new mother, the trail between Jan Juc to Winkipop, on Victoria’s surf coast, has been of great support to me. Baby on a sling, up and down the path, I have devoured its vegetation with my eyes, wondered at such intricate forms, rested my thoughts on nature’s unquestionable beauty, and forgot the tiredness for a while. Between the haziness of sleepless nights and the enchantment of new natural leaves and flowers unknown to me, I have been lifted up by the bush, cradled in its richness and embraced by soothing winds. As a new mother, I have dreamt about this work during breastfeeding before having the chance to sketch it. Created thanks to naps, concocted joining methods out of the need to produce the least possible noise. I used materials that enabled me to work at the kitchen table rather than at the studio. This necklace kept me going, filled with the intention for making my practice survive amongst all the duties that come with a newborn. A revere to new limits that have brought about a new perspective about life."
From Argentina, Elisa Zorraquin recently completed an MFA in Gold & Silversmithing at RMIT in 2020. Looking and noticing at the domestic and street settings, she translates everyday happenings into jewellery and objects.
From Jan Juc to Winkipop, 2021
Polypropylene, brass, enamel paint
Image top: Elisa Zorraquin, From Jan Juc to Winki Pop, detail, 2021. Photo: Courtesy of the artist