Monique van Nieuwland

Chucked 2023
linen wrap, stainless steel weft
Tossed 2023
linen warp, potato chip bag weft, Jacquard weaving
Blown 2023
linen warp, plastic bag weft, Jacquard weaving
Lost 2023
linen warp, face mask material weft, Jacquard weaving
Price: $950 each
Chucked, Tossed, Blown or Lost – rubbish in our environment confronts us daily. For the artist, materials, design and concepts are equally important and woven cloth speaks of our past, the present and the future. Monique’s artwork focuses on the environment and explores our ephemeral existence in this world. Cutting up and converting everyday waste items such as potato-chip bags, single-use plastic bags and face masks are combined with linen to create this series of works. The material choices’ significance are essential in creating a voice that will convey the artwork's concept.
Since the 1980s Monique van Nieuwland’s textile practice has encompassed contemporary techniques and materials, keeping loom weaving vibrant and relevant as a form of expression. In 2004 Monique completed a M.Phil. at the Australian National University focusing on The Shroud as a Contemporary Textile Art Phenomenon. She is an accredited member of CraftACT and has been commissioned to create public works for hospitals and weaving for movie costumes and sets. Monique has exhibited both nationally and internationally and her work was selected for the Tamworth Fibre Textile Biennial/Triennial exhibitions in 1988, 2004, and 2014. In 2016, she represented Australia in the 15th International Triennial of Tapestry in Poland.
Image top: Monique van Nieuwland, Tossed (detail), 2023. Photo: courtesy the artist