Azebo 690 Pendant Shade, 2017

Utilising repurposed venetian blinds, the Azebo 690’s design came about as a consequence to the size of venetian blinds in supply. The innovation is in the use of recycled material, bearing in mind that the purpose of the finished product is the most important element in the design and not the recycled material. The ring that holds the slats was designed by Adrian to allow the optimum amount of light but also takes into account the most common number of slats in the drop length of a blind - 28 - thereby eliminating waste. This product is aimed at both the domestic and commercial sector. 

Image: Azebo 690 Pendant Shade, 2017, recycled wood, plastic. Photo: courtesy of the artist. 

Workshopped 18 Adrian Lawson cropped

Adrian Lawson

Adrian grew up on the Isle of Colonsay, a small island off the west coast of Scotland. The remoteness of the island meant that bringing supplies to the community was costly and timely. There was a natural culture of upcycling, things were rarely thrown out without considering if they could be used again or repurposed in the future. This was something that Adrian has carried with him throughout his life and he has found inspiration in an unlikely source - the wooden venetian blinds that were placed out on the curb ready for the council pick up. They were of good quality and it seemed to be such a waste. Adrian started to think about how to repurpose them.

What appeared initially to be a simple idea turned into two years of trial and error. Designing and prototyping a pendant light that had the right dimensions to be aesthetically pleasing, but also allowed for it to be flat packed and affordable.