Tania Rollond

About the artist
Tania Rollond (NSW) completed a Bachelor of Arts in Design at Curtin University before discovering her passion for working with clay.
She moved to Sydney to study Ceramics at the National Art School from 1997 to 2000, and then established her studio in the Southern Highlands of NSW, where she has been living and making work for solo and group exhibitions in Australia and overseas for the last decade. In 2011, Tania completed her Master of Fine Art (by Research) in Drawing at UNSW.
In addition to her studio practice, Tania has been teaching since 2001. Her experience includes the University of NSW, TAFE and Sturt Craft Centre. She is currently a part-time Lecturer in Ceramics at the National Art School, Sydney, where she has worked since 2004.
Artist statement
Exhibition work:
Raw Assembly Series, 2021, mid-fired ceramic
Rise and Fall
Raw Assembly
The Journal of Australian Ceramics (or as it was then, Pottery in Australia) changed the path of my life, completely. I first encountered ceramics through a TAFE Saturday class. When I had become completely hooked, I decided to further my studies and my life experience by leaving my home state of WA. I worked my way through the National Education Survey section of maybe a decade of the Pottery in Australia magazines in the State Library, before settling on NSW and the National Art School for my future. I had never been ‘over East’, or to Sydney, but felt this research was sufficient!! It worked out very well.
No doubt in the sixty years of its existence, the Australian Ceramics Association and its magazine have made countless interventions of this type in countless lives. We are lucky to have them, always advocating, informing and inspiring people to get involved, in so many ways, in this welcoming community of clay.
Image: Tania Rollond, Rise and Fall, 2021, mid-fired ceramic. Photo: Tania Rollond