
Educating curious, young minds about the power of design is our mission. With an ever changing future it is crucial, more than ever, that we educate our young about how to create a better world with design principles.
Find out more about which resources you might be interested and about how ADC can help with your learning curriculum.

Education kits
We have produced high quality education resources to accompany our exhibitions and address specific design-related topics, and these resources are available for free for anyone to access.
Some of our education kits include Object Therapy, Shapeshifters: 3D Printing the Future, Lola Greeno: Cultural Jewels, Resolved: Journeys in Australian Design, Hyperclay: Contemporary Ceramics, Menagerie, and Freestyle: New Australian Design for Living.

Design Emergency is a program that introduces students of all ages to design, and design thinking skills. The program helps students understand the way designers work and equips them with the same tools to help them improve the lives of their family, school and wider community.
The program provides opportunities to work with designers and for students to engage with challenges that are relevant and exciting to them.

In The Classroom
Are you a teacher or learning facilitator and want to bring Design Emergency thinking into your classroom?
We want to make all our resources accessible so we have collaborated with some amazing teachers to create work kits to give you access to DE thinking concepts. In these kits you will find some fantastic examples for you to use in the classroom or inspiration for you to create your own unit.