Lola Greeno is a highly-respected Tasmanian Indigenous shell worker, sculptor, installation and fibre artist. She is originally from Cape Barren Island but now lives in Launceston, Tasmania. With more than 40 years of traditional shell necklace making; the knowledge and customs that were passed down from mother to daughter; Lola is one of a small number of women shell stringers who have been responsible for ensuring the craft is passed on from their Elders and continued to the present day.

Australian Design Centre’s exhibition Living Treasures: Masters of Australian Craft – Lola Greeno: Cultural Jewels toured nationally from 2014 to 2019.

Read more about Lola Greeno here.

Listen to the podcast interview on Object: Stories of Craft and Design with Lola Greeno here.

black crow shells, penguin shells, waxed linen thread, silver-plated clasp
$605 each (2 pieces)