
Art changes lives. Show your support and sign this petition.

In Australia, the arts employ more people than agriculture, construction or mining and the creative industries generate $50 billion for the Australian economy.

Independent artists and organisations are the backbone of arts in Australia, generating new ideas and new talent. Artists are the innovators of our nation.

On May 13 this year, 50% of the previously supported small to medium arts companies did not receive funding as a result of the government’s cuts to the Australia Council.

These cuts will result in job losses and will have flow on effects across our cultural industries, educational institutions and the commercial sector.

Here's how you can support the arts on our National Day of Action on Friday June 17, until election day on July 2:

o Sign this petition
o Share your concerns with your local media or on social media with#istandwiththearts and #ausvotesarts
o Write an email or letter of support for the arts to your local candidates
o Write to the Arts Minister: minister@communications.gov.au
o Vote for the candidates with the best arts policies on July 2

End of article.