Following government advice to close non-essential public spaces, Australian Design Centre will close to the public until further notice to help protect the health of all visitors and staff and minimise the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus).
We’re delighted to announce that The Australian Ceramics Association is partnering with Australian Design Centre (ADC) to develop an ADC On Tour national touring exhibition of Australian contemporary ceramics.
We are delighted to announce that the Australia Council for the Arts has awarded Australian Design Centre a $50,000 Contemporary Touring Initiative grant to develop a new ADC On Tour national touring exhibition.
We are delighted to announce that the City of Sydney has awarded a cultural resilience grant to Australian Design Centre for a new project Isolate Make | Creative Resilience in a Pandemic.
For all of us the current situation with Covid-19 is having an enormous impact. This survey will help us to understand the specific impact on Australian creative practitioners and arts workers.