We've been busy getting our first exhibition ready for the year with some of the highlights from CUSP: Designing into the Next Decade returning to Sydney this week. Following a bumper two-year tour, the exhibition brings back the works of Leah Heiss, Stephen Mushin, Greg More, Floyd Mueller and Super Critical Mass, showing until 28 April (Tuesday - Friday, 11-4pm). The exhibition was officially opened by the Minister for Industry, Resources and Energy, The Hon Anthony Roberts MP, this week on Thursday 18 February 2016. Here are some of photo highlights captured from the evening.
Images: Boaz Nothman

The exhibition was first presented in 2013 with presenting partners Liverpool City Council and Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre with twelve designers: Chris Bosse, Healthabitat, George Khut, Anupama Kundoo, MaterialByProduct, Alison Page, Mari Velonaki, Leah Heiss, Greg More, Floyd Mueller, Stephen Mushin and Super Critical Mass.